Officers and Board

Officers & Board Members

Board of Directors:

Thomas Cameron: Term Ends Jan. 2027
Thomas is an Open Source technologist with almost three decades in the tech industry. Before that, he was a police officer in central Texas. His desire to take care of the communities he's a member of is why he has worked to protect and serve those communities over the years.

Meghan Gerety: Term Ends Jan. 2025
Meghan is a retired physician administrator and clinician who has resided in the neighborhood for almost a decade. She brings a long career of administrative experience and caring for people to the board. Her family ties to Austin are the source of commitment to the community.

Preston Broadfoot: Term Ends Jan. 2026
Armin Gutzmer: Term Ends Jan. 2025
Fred Thum: Term Ends Jan. 2027
Jason Meeker: Term Ends Jan. 2027


President - Jason Meeker
Vice President - Preston Broadfoot|
Treasurer - Armin Gutzmer
Asst. Treasurer - Nick Bohas
Secretary - Angela Scotten

Architectural Review Committee:

Rory Foster - Chairman
Nick Cervenka
Nick Bohas
Albert Stowall

Welcoming Committee:

Angela Scotten
Kathy Regan

Safety Committee:

Rory Foster - Chairman
Wren Foster
Albert Stowall